The cinema industry has been disrupted since the evolution of digitalisation. The appearance of many online content offerings (legal and illegal) has changed or even changed the way people consume them.

His Story

In the 1950s and 1960s, the movie industry flourished with the advent of Hollywood studios and the production of large budget films. Movies were becoming more sophisticated in terms of special effects and screenplays. And movie stars had become icons of popular culture.

Then, in the 1970s and 1980s, cinema changed with the emergence of new genres such as independent cinema and science fiction cinema. Films were increasingly diversified. At the beginning of the 19th century the film industry underwent a rapid and constant evolution. From black and white silent films to 3D Hollywood blockbusters, cinema has adapted to technological changes and the tastes of audiences to remain relevant.

Moreover, at the beginning of the 20th century, cinema was mainly considered as a form of entertainment. The films were screened in cinemas and were often accompanied by live music. With the arrival of sound in the 1920s, more and more directors were exploring controversial topics.

The cinema industry has therefore undergone a radical transformation thanks to technological advances. 3D and IMAX films have become commonplace, offering a more immersive cinematic experience. Films are also increasingly accessible through online streaming and video-on-demand.

Streaming Platforms

The Covid health crisis has accelerated digitalization. As a result of this pandemic and the lockdown, many people have been forced to buy a subscription to legal streaming sites or to use illegal streaming sites.  

Because of Covid, the cinema industry has had to reinvent itself in order to cope with the health crisis. All legal streaming platforms such as Netflix, Prime Video, Disney Plus have experienced a significant increase in the number of these users. These platforms have therefore been forced to diversify their offering by offering new films and series.  

Then, many illegal streaming sites were created and developed to offer these users films and series not present on the legal streaming sites. For example, on the «stremio » site, we can find many films of cinema online, two weeks after they are on the screens of cinemas.

As a result, all of these streaming sites have enabled the film industry to withstand the crisis and introduce these users to new films, series. 

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Audience Development

In addition, the Internet allows a greater transnational circulation of films, especially on streaming platforms. Many films are distributed in the United States and are broadcast on VOD platforms. For example, the online platform MUBI, created in California by the Turkish entrepreneur Efe Cakarel. It responds to the increase in international mobility, to the demand of diasporic communities, but also to the growing curiosity of film lovers.  

Thus, this international circulation of content is driven by commercial strategies and popular sharing strategies. These are a multi-directional flow, creating temporary portals, or contact zones, between geographically dispersed cultures.  

The circulation of these films, series on streaming platforms thus allow to develop an international audience around the world. 

Festival Evolution

The digital age has also enabled the film industry to become more digitalized. The Internet provides new opportunities for film festivals such as Sundance (Sundance Select) or Tribeca. These festivals offer onlines to increase the visibility of selected films.  

Indeed, many festival networks such as the FestivalScope platform allow professionals to watch some films from the selections of the partner festivals (Eye on Films). And their association with other platforms (MUBI and Jaman).  

However, large traditional festivals, built around exclusive selections and world premieres. It tends to ignore the new digital environment and may find themselves threatened by this evolution.

Despite this, the population prefers to participate physically in the festival, which is of social importance to strengthen the sense of belonging. 

Save the Date: Get Ready for the 2023 Sundance Film Festival !

New Cinephile Practices

Finally, the Internet opens the door to new cinematic practices. Indeed, streaming platforms are highlighted by the circulation of content that removes geographical constraints and makes films accessible to rural areas.  

Making, sharing, watching and talking about movies has become more accessible than ever. The forgotten young directors and filmmakers can thus develop their notoriety and their audience. Because, in order to carry emerging projects or prove critical towards blockbusters.

The Internet is also the medium for a greater diversity of films and perspectives shared by these new, active and fragmented audiences.

Finally, today, these changes are still a challenge for traditional industry players.  The film industry has been able to adapt to technological and cultural changes. Films continue to be a popular form of entertainment around the world. The future of the film industry will be bright with new technologies and talent that will continue to emerge.

Authored by : Claire Courivaud

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