50 Shades of Cinema is an exclusively cinema blog
But why would the theme of cinema tell me?

Simply because cinema is a subject that brings us together and that fascinates us.
We all have a movie or series that we all love !
Whether for the sets, the acting games or obviously just the actors.
We’re not going to lie, we’ve all fantasized about an actress or an actor.

But beyond that, cinema makes it possible to educate us but also to entertain us.
Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Romance, Comedy, Drama, Documentary
We identify ourselves through cinematic works and these allow us to grow through the story told and the hidden messages.

To dream and grow cinematically with 50 Shades of Cinema !

The cinema industry

The cinema industry has been disrupted since the evolution of digitalisation. The appearance of many online content offerings (legal and illegal) has changed or even changed the way people consume them. …. More

The Cannes festival

The Cannes Film Festival, called the International Film Festival from 1946 to 2002. It’s an international film festival. It helds every year in Cannes for twelve days during the second half of May.. … More

Your best cinemas

If you want to be original and have a unique experience, we have the solution!
Discover through this article the best French cinemas that will allow you to live an original immersion. More